The Next Generation Wireless Super Network

Designed to Generate Revenue

WiSNET™ is a patented* service offering that turns a revenue-dormant wireless network into an alive, highly active unified smart gateway engineered to generate and extract revenue through captive portals, tracking and targeting ads, and uplink control (pay tier services); among other built-in platform functions all controlled by a single central policy engine. This allows the network manager to “slice” up the bandwidth, controlling access to both wired and wireless networks with per user, per group, or per network traffic shaping and dynamic VLAN assignment providing maximum security and auditing. Not only can you slice bandwidth into multiple networks, but you can do so down to the individual device to further offer enhanced experiences and limit data breaches at the user level with WiSNET. With this technology, Slice is able to quickly enable an enhanced response capability to deliver individual and customized, feature-rich control within a branded portal with advanced data, revenue generation, and location tracking.

Proven Concept

Slice has installed WiSNET at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport and helped the airport raise their ASQ (American Society for Quality) rating rapidly. The day Slice took over, BWI had 10 times the bandwidth and travelers immediately got a 33x speed boost for free!

Ordering Information

Learn about WiSNET® and the design philosophy behind it in this management textbook from Wiley.

* US Patent# 11974365