Earn Money Referring Slice For Events
Know of an upcoming event or venue who could benefit from Slice Wireless? If so, we have a unique business opportunity to help you generate extra income by referring Slice. There’s no cost to you and no contractual obligations. The process is simple, you connect us with the client and we’ll do the rest of the work.
We will even pay you a referral fee for all project revenue that you helped generate! Up to 10% of Capitalized Gross Volume Revenue and as an added benefit the referrer is immediately rewarded with a $100 American Express Gift Card when the referral converts into business.
Take advantage of our event referral program and cash in today!
The process is super simple. Connect us and you’re done! You can be involved every step of the way or not, it’s your choice. For more information on our venue and event referral program, please fill out the form below.